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Mgr. Róbert Kanász

Mgr. Róbert Kanász

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Róber Kanasz is a PhD student at the Department of Computers and Informatics, Technical University of Kosice. His research focuses on machine learning, business data analytics and neural networks.

Research interests:
  • Bankruptcy prediction, decision support for digital business


R. Kanász, P. Gnip, M. Zoričák, P. Drotár

Bankruptcy prediction using ensemble of autoencoders optimized by genetic algorithm

Journal: PeerJ. Computer science.


P. Malega, V. Rudy, R. Kanász, V. Gazda

Decentralized optimization of the flexible production lines

Journal: Advances in Production Engineering & Management. Roč. 15, č. 3 (2020), s. 267-276 [print].


R. Kanász, J. Bednarčík, K. Saksl, R. Nicula, M. Stir, C. Lathe

In situ energy dispersive x-ray diffraction analysis of the temperature-pressure stability of Co-Fe-(Ta, W)-B alloys

Journal: Acta Physica Polonica A.