
Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Access Management for the Future Cognitive Communication Networks

Slovak research and development agency

Jun 2017 - Jun 2019

180,768 EUR


As one of finite resources in wireless communication, spectrum bands are becoming scarcer and should beutilized more efficiently. Thus, the spectrum utilization efficiency is one of the most challenging issues related tothe 5th generation mobile networks. Traditional spectrum management techniques that are based on the longtermand static licensing schemes show inefficient spectrum usage. One possible solution how to overcome thisproblem is to adopt the dynamic spectrum access with underlying cognitive radio application. Cognitive radiotechnology is currently widely discussed topic and there exist many topics, in which the debates are currentlyongoing. The spectrum utilization efficiency using cognitive radio networks could be highlighted as one of themost promising one. Spectrum sensing, spectrum sharing and trading are the main functionalities of thecognitive radio network. Recent state-of-the art in the area of dynamic spectrum access reveals that most of theworks analyze the performance of these blocks individually, rather than optimizing them jointly. This could beexplained by the high complexity of the cognitive radio network. Moreover, complex cognitive radio network alsoshow high dynamics and mutual relations, which are difficult to capture using the traditional methods (e.g. gametheory). Therefore, the main goal of the project is to jointly optimize the functionality of the spectrum sensing and sharing parameters and investigate the impact of the optimization on the spectrum trading activities in cognitiveradio network. In order to be able to encompass the strategic behavior of large number of entities operating inthe cognitive radio network, we decide to employ the agent based modeling and simulation approach, whichalready shows its strengths in other scientific branches (economy, physics). The experimental cognitive radiotestbed will be also developed, allowing the verification of the optimum simulation parameters in real scenario.